Vaxa Attend® Description
Attention Support
Free of Gluten
Take loading dosage twice daily for 30-45 days or as directed by a physician. After loading dosage is complete the dosage may be cut in half.
Weight / Loading Dosage / Maintenance:
>150 lbs / 2-3 caps 2x daily / 2-3 caps daily
70-150 lbs / 2 caps 2x daily / 1-2 caps daily
50-70 lbs / 1-2 caps 2x daily / 1-2 caps daily
30-50 lbs / 1-2 caps daily / 1 cap daily
During times when more focus is needed, or if the desired results are not achieved, you may revert back to the loading dosage for as long as it is needed. VAXA Attend® is best taken 20 minutes before or after a meal.
For children, or individuals having difficulty swallowing, try VAXA Attend® mini.