Digestion is accomplished through the mechanical and chemical breakdown of food into smaller and smaller molecules to be absorbed by the body for a variety of functions. This involves exposure to acidic pH conditions in the stomach followed by the exposure to alkaline intestinal fluids in the gastrointestinal tract. Various enzymes participate throughout the digestion process over a wide range of pH. Finally, we are able to absorb nutrition from food. Olympian Labs has formulated a multi-enzyme blend that assists in the digestion of food and may improve the assimilation of nutrients. This formulation is designed to be effective over a wide range of pH (3.0-9.0), thus working continuously throughout the pH variations in the digestive gastrointestinal tract.
Notas: Each serving contains the following enzymes:
Alpha & Beta Amylase FCC IV (pH 4.8) 17,310 DU Glucoamylase FCC IV (pH 4.3) 15 AG Protease I, II, III, IV USPXXIII (pH 6.0) 155,000 USP FCC IV (pH 7.0) 52, 610 PC FCC IV (pH 4.7) 71, 350 HUT Peptizyme SP pH 7.5 1000 SPU Lactase FCC IV (pH4.5) 1,270 LacU Cellulase FCC IV (pH 4.5) 251 CU HemiSeb FCC III (pH 4.5) 366 HCU Lipase I & II FCC III (pH 6.5) 445 LU Maltase FCC IV (pH 4.6) 22,100 DP Sucrase (Invertase) FCC IV (pH 4.6) 290 INVU